Education and Insight

We provide a comprehensive overview of blockchain techology and cryptocurrencies, tailored to your requirements and focused on your senior leadership and management teams. The goal is to help you understand blockchain, its applications and use cases
We focus specifically on your industry and markets and together we assess whether blockchain could be a fit for your business.

Solutions for your

A detailed assessment of how blockchain could be applied in your business. What are the challenges and opportunities that blockchain can  address for you and how should the technoloigy be applied. Includes an overview of the resources and capabilities required to execute your blockchain project. Finally we document the options and recommendations along with the estimated costs and timescales for implementation.

Blockchain in Your Industry

An in depth review of the state of blockchain development in your industry. Includes an analysis of projects, applications, and players that are active and those that are coming. We assess how disruptive blockchain is likely to be in your markets, and we identify the opportunities and threats that the technology presents. Finally we provice a comprehensive report on blockchain in your industry.

Project Implemenation

Your project may be a proof of concept (PoC) or a minimum viable product (MVP) or the full development of a ready for market product or service. We provide end to end project management for product and project design, development and implementation. This includes business and financial planning, application architecture, software development, token design and development. marketing services and  customer service.

At Welford we help you understand blockchain technology, analyze the impact of blockchain on your industry or market, determine how blockchain can be applied in your business and define and plan your blockchain strategy.

Then we help you develop and launch your blockchain project or solution.

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